Talking with Aussies

A volunteer program to help international students improve their English conversation skills.

This program links international students with volunteers from the community, to help students practise their conversational English. Our volunteers come from a range of ages and backgrounds, and include students, retirees, and working professionals, both in Adelaide and around Australia. Students and volunteers chat one-on-one informally, for one hour each week at a time of their choosing.

Both student volunteers and international student participants can count hours in the program towards the Adelaide Graduate Award.

Apply to Talking with Aussies

Students chatting

If you're an international student who wants to practise your English conversation skills...

If you are an international student wanting to apply for English conversation practice, please register your interest below. All current international students of the University of Adelaide are welcome to join Talking with Aussies.

For more information, please refer to our student guide.

Students walking on campus

If you'd like to volunteer to help an international student with their English conversation skills...

Talking with Aussies (TWA) is a volunteer program for conversation, connection, and cultural exchange.

TWA has over 200 community volunteers who regularly have conversations with international students. Volunteers are linked with one or more students, who then arrange to chat with one another at times that suit their individual needs and availability. Our volunteers are from all walks of life, from those who are actively engaged in work or study to retirees.

To apply as a volunteer to the TWA program, please read the volunteer information flyer, and then complete the Expression of Interest form. The TWA Coordinator will then contact you to arrange a volunteer briefing session.

Please note: Unfortunately current international students, and children under 18 years old, cannot be volunteers with the Talking with Aussies program.

For insurance information, please refer to our insurance guide.

Adelaide graduate award information

If you are planning to count Talking with Aussies participation hours towards the Adelaide Graduate Award, below is some important information about eligibility and evidence requirements.

Please note: you should not request an evidence letter from the Talking with Aussies coordinator. Instead, you will need to provide the evidence listed below when you submit your online activity form for the Award.

If you are applying as a student recipient of the TWA program, you can count up to 20 hours participation in the Talking with Aussies program toward the Adelaide Graduate Award as a 'personal development' activity.

You will need to submit both of these documents as evidence:

  • a copy of the email sent to you from the Talking with Aussies program which confirms you were matched with a local TWA volunteer partner (who may be a local student OR a community member)
  • a journal  listing the dates, start and finish times, and a description of your meetings with your local TWA volunteer partner. The full name of your local TWA volunteer partner must be listed on the journal and they must sign it to confirm that the meetings took place.

If you are applying as a volunteer of the TWA program, you can count all hours you spend participating (ie volunteering or attending related meetings, briefings or gatherings) in the Talking with Aussies program toward the Award as a 'volunteering' activity.

You will need to submit both of these documents as evidence:

  • a copy of the email(s) sent to you from the Talking with Aussies program which confirms you were matched with an international student (or students)
  • journal  listing the dates, start and finish times, and a description of your meetings with your international student partner(s). You can also provide a list of any dates and times you were involved in training or other meetings in your role as a volunteer with the Talking with Aussies program. The full name of your international student partner(s) must be listed on the journal and they must sign it to confirm that your meetings with them took place.

We recommend using the journal template provided  to record your time spent on the Talking with Aussies program.

If you use an electronic app or diary you will need to provide a separate statement verifying these hours from your student/volunteer.