Sofia Song

Sofia Song

Country: China 
Degree: Master of Wine Business
Faculty: Faculty of the Professions

Sofia chose to study a Master of Wine Business at the University of Adelaide’s Waite campus because of the uniqueness of the program.

"There is nothing quite like it in the world!"

Sofia’s academic and field experiences during her degree allowed her to gain knowledge of viticulture management as well as understanding how to run a wine business. Some of her most memorable student experiences include:

  • harvesting grapes in the hot Australian summer
  • writing assignments under a short deadline
  • undertaking fieldwork at local wineries  
  • listening to guest lecturers at the university’s superb state-of-the-art winemaking facilities

Sofia enjoys studying at the Waite campus because of its beautiful natural setting which includes the campus rose garden and an abundance of native Australian gum trees. When she’s not studying, Sofia is networking with current students and alumni, organising wine tasting events or enjoying the beautiful beaches of South Australia. “There are so many things to do! So study hard and play hard.”

In the future, Sofia is looking forward to pursuing a career in wine business but notes that the time management skills she has fostered during her studies are essential for any future career path that she might follow.